Sunday, February 12, 2006

Musings of the heart...

Seeking a purpose
Those yesteryears, I sometimes wonder
The childish fray and light-hearted banter
The feeling of joy at trivial finds
The thoughts that knew no binds
Why is it that we grow big and rational
Pursuing something feasible and practical
The issues of heart become so maimed
Advance in career is the sole thing aimed
Not that I'm unhappy with this way of life
Seldom a passing thought becomes so rife
Unseen unattended a feeling does linger
Shouldn't we cater to something tender?

- Vinod K. Shukla

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Funny C Declarations!

I accidently browsed through this humorous page containing some funny C Declarations.. enjoy!

auto accident;
register voters;
static electricity;
struct by_lightning;
void *where_prohibited;
char broiled;
short circuit;
short changed;
long johns;
unsigned long letter;
double entendre;
double trouble;
union organizer;
union jack;
float valve;
short pants;
union station;
void check; unsigned check;
struct dumb by[sizeof member];
union onion; /*submitted by srp*/

/*if GCC extensions are allowed -- Dave Gilbert */
long long ago; /* in a galaxy far far away */

/* Submitted by James Buchanan */

const ipated;
case closed:
double or_nothing;
short sighted;
void if_removed; /* warranty */
volatile buggy_code;
unsigned anonymous;
int erbreed; /* duelling banjos */

/* Borland's additional C keywords */:
huge penis;
interrupt ed;
near sighted;
far out;

goto pub;
return pissed;

goto bathroom;
while (1) ;
